If you are developing a game with a historical theme you need accurate research to make it feel authentic. The authenticity of the story and gameplay flow from elements of history in the storyline and the visuals of the game. Many elements feed into the authenticity of the game including characters, landscape, costumes, weapons and level of technology appropriate to that era. Gamers are demanding more realism and historical accuracy in games than ever before.

Gathering historical information and research for your game can be a time consuming business. The right sources can be hard to find; other times there can be an overload of resources, many of which may conflict and be of suspect quality. The best information is usually not online. Collewijn History in Games can do the historical research more quickly because Maarten Collewijn is a professional historian with 30 years of computer gaming experience. This saves you time and money during development and frees you to focus on the gameplay. You can be sure that the historical information provided to you is accurate and consistent with the latest scientific discoveries and insights. Being recognized in the field means Collewijn History in Games has access to resources that may not be available to the general public.

Collewijn knows how and where to find the authentic historical information. This information can be text and copy for the general story of your game or detailed facts like the shooting distance of a particular rifle for setting game parameters. Collewijn History in Games can also provide your development team with historical images of the time period of your game to support artwork. Collewijn History in Games can help you in creating a game world that feels historically authentic.